About us

Terms & Conditions

Individual travellers

These are the terms and conditions you use when trading with Make Travel.

The events and trips in this catalogue are arranged by Make Travel in cooperation with local event organisers.

Agreements are binding on both parties once a deposit or the payment required by an agency has been paid on time. By paying the deposit, clients also confirm that they accept the terms and conditions of the product purchased as stated in writing and/or in the catalogue.

Deposit/final payment
In the absence of any statement to the contrary for the product in question, a payment of DKK 2.000 per person is due on registration. If the deposit is not paid by the stated deadline the agreement lapses. In the absence of any statement to the contrary, the remaining price of the trip must be paid no later than 45 days before the departure date. Clients will then receive tickets and other travel documents no later than 14 days before departure.

Handling fee
We have added a fee of DKK 100 (€ 13) to the invoice (only one fee per order), which cover various gereral costs and statutory insurances.

Payment using credit cards
Going payment via credit card abroad on expected a credit card fee equal to the fee charged by NETS / Teller.

Price of trips
The basic price of trips includes the services stated for the package in question. Any extra charges for special services are also stated for each package.

If the basic price of the trip ordered is not stated in the catalogue (e.g. booking of alternative plane tickets and/or events on the ground), clients are not generally entitled to compensation in the event of changes, cancellation or transfer of the trip concerned. The same applies if plane tickets only or events on the ground only have been booked. The terms and conditions will be stated when trips are booked. The following applies only to trips whose basic price is stated in the catalogue. Changes or cancellation more than 45 days prior to departure: the amount paid will be refunded minus the deposit. 45-14 days prior to departure: 50% of the price of the trip will be refunded.* Less than 14 days prior to departure: clients are not entitled to a refund.

* This does not apply in the peak season and on public holidays, when cancellation is not possible once trips have been confirmed. Owing to the rules of our subcontractors, trips cannot be transferred. Transfers will be regarded as cancellations followed by re-bookings, and the above mentioned rules will then apply.

Cancellation due to sudden illness
We recommend taking out sickness/cancellation insurance from the travel agency to cover the costs if it proves impossible or extremely difficult to take part in trips due to death or sudden illness/accidents requiring admission to hospital, periods in bed prescribed by a doctor or similar events involving the client or his/her spouse/partner, parents, parents-in-law, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, grandparents, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law or travelling companions. However, please note that if the person concerned is 75 years old or more, the liability to pay compensation is limited to a maximum of DKK 20.000 per person even though the insurance sum may be more than this. This protection only applies if a doctor’s certificate is presented no later than one week after cancellation. If no doctor’s certificate is received, or if cancellation is due to other causes, the standard cancellation rules apply. The insurance premium is 3 per cent of the risk (minimum DKK 75). The agency receives a fee when cancellation insurance is sold. The amount must be paid with the deposit, and is non-refundable whatever the reason for cancellation.

Failure to appear/unused services etc.
If clients fail to cancel a trip and/or fail to appear at the time and place stated for departure to or from the Faroes, or if clients are unable to complete the trip due to the failure to produce travel documents (valid passport, required visa, vaccination certificates etc.), the organiser is entitled to charge the full price of the trip concerned. If clients fail to appear for trips or fail to use the services that have been ordered in any other way, no compensation for such unused services may be claimed.

Travel insurance
In general clients are themselves responsible for covering the costs of illness, admission to hospital etc. during a trip – unless the organiser can be held responsible. Consequently, we strongly advise clients to take out travel insurance covering the costs of accidents or death, treatment of illnesses, transport home and loss/damage of luggage. Information and guidance is available from the travel agency, which receives a fee for the sale of travel insurance.

Plane tickets only/hotel bookings only
If a trip includes plane tickets only, Make Travel acts only as the agent for the airline(s) used. This means that the airline alone is responsible for the correct completion of the transport agreement. A booking fee is charged for the purchase of hotel accommodation or other events on land when no air transport is included.

Liability of the airlines
The airlines involved accept no liability for incidents occurring at times when passengers are not on board the planes of the airlines concerned. For liability regarding luggage that has been checked in, please see the terms and conditions of the airline concerned.

Cut-price tickets/separate tickets
If clients wish to benefit from the many types of cheap tickets available on the market, combining these tickets for various sections of their trip, such tickets must always be issued in separate documents which in many cases cannot be cancelled, changed and/or refunded. This means that clients are liable if they fail to make a connection due to any delays that may occur. Neither the travel agency nor the airlines involved accepts any liability for the costs of new tickets, accommodation etc. arising in this connection. Special travel insurance is offered by the travel agency to cover such costs.

Flying times in the travel timetable and tickets
The times stated in the tickets and travel timetable are always local times. After plane tickets and the travel timetable have been issued, airlines may change their departure and arrival times. Consequently, you should always check the departure times stated in the travel documents that you have received. Contact the travel agency immediately if these times differ from the original booking/confirmation, so any mistakes can be rectified before departure.

Check-in time and hand luggage rules
We recommend that you fi nd out about check-in times when you arrive at the airport of your destination. Information from Make Travel or airlines about departure, gates and terminals is only intended as a guide, and is not binding. Circumstances may make it necessary to change departure from one gate/terminal to another, so you should always check your gate/terminal – e.g. when you only have a short time between flights.

Taxes and duties
A number of taxes have to be stated on the actual plane ticket. However, some airport or other tourist taxes have to be paid in cash on departure or at the destination, so these cannot be claimed before clients leave home. Normally, such taxes will be stated in
your travel documents. However, some countries may introduce new taxes or increase existing ones at short notice or no notice at all. So these taxes may change between the time trips are booked and departure, or between departure and return home. Clients must cover the costs incurred in this connection.

Client’s obligations/valid travel documents,
passport, visa and vaccinations
Everyone visiting the Faroes should present a passport by way of documentation at check-in and elsewhere. Nordic citizens do not need a visa or special vaccinations when travelling to the Faroes. If visas/vaccinations are required, this will be stated in our offer and confirmation. For practical reasons, citizens of non-Nordic countries should obtain information regarding the demands made on citizens of their country when travelling to the Faroes. In addition, when you book you must inform us if your group includes members with citizenship different from your own. This will enable us to give appropriate advice. If the travel agent is not given this information, the organiser is not responsible for any consequences that the absence of travel documents etc. may have for clients. Please note that transit visas are often required. Passports from countries outside the EU must normally be valid for at least six months after arrival at the destination.

Any complaints during the trip must be made to the airline, the representative of the organiser in situ, the organiser or the travel agency within a reasonable time after clients have discovered them, enabling errors/defects to be remedied immediately and with the smallest possible inconvenience to clients. If you complain direct to the relevant airline or representative of the organiser in situ and the error/defect cannot be remedied immediately, you should obtain evidence of this fact if you wish to make a claim against the company subsequently. The failure to submit a complaint normally means loss of the right to any subsequent claim for compensation.

Liability of the technical organiser
The organiser accepts no liability for agreements/promises between travel agencies and clients without the knowledge/acceptance of the organiser. The organiser accepts no liability for changes, delays etc. owing to breach of contract, strikes, weather conditions or any circumstances beyond the control of the organiser.

The technical organiser reserves the right to make any necessary changes caused by a shortage of clients. If clients then wish to withdraw from a trip, the amount that has been paid will be refunded but no further claims may be made. The technical organiser is entitled to cancel planned trips with 20 days’ notice. If it proves impossible to find a satisfactory replacement trip, the amount that has been paid will be refunded. Clients are not entitled to make any further claims for compensation.

Force Majeure – Clause
Parties cannot be held responsible for the consequences of force majeure, which in the context of this Agreement include (but are not limited to): meteorological circumstances, technical failures of aircraft, ferries and other means of transport, (civil) war or (civil) war threat, government regulations and circumstances that could endanger the health and / or safety of passenger (s).

Price changes after agreements have been finalised
Prices are based on the taxes and tariffs applicable on 01.01.24. Make Travel reserves the right to make price changes after agreements have been finalised. Price increases may be necessary due to changes in transport costs, including fuel prices, taxes, duties or charges for certain services such as airport landing or take-off charges. Any price changes must be announced as soon as possible and no later than 20 days prior to departure, and they may not exceed 10% of the advertised price of the trip in question. Failure to observe these conditions entitles the client to cancel the trip at no cost. However, Make Travel must be informed of any such cancellation immediately after the client has been informed of the price increase. If prices fall owing to reductions in the factors mentioned above, clients will be informed immediately. If there are reductions within 20 days of departure clients are not entitled to claim a price reduction. However, if domestic public taxes or duties are reduced or removed with effect prior to the date of departure, Make Travel is obliged to refund the amount concerned to the client if this amount is in excess of DKK 100.

Discount coupons
By using the discount coupons acquired through Facebook and Instagram, you commit to the following terms and conditions: You can only use 1 coupon per booking. The coupons are valid for the standard packages displayed on the website or for booking a rental car.

Other terms and conditions
We cannot be held liable for printing errors and changes in price owing to changes in purchasing conditions. The catalogue applies as of January 1, 2024.

Disputes/law applying
Any claims against Make Travel shall be settled according to Faroise Law. Complaints or cases to be settled on the Faroe Islands Court.

Bank Details:

Betri Banki P/F

Yviri við Strond 2
100 Tórshavn

Reg.no.: 9181
Account no.: 4508388
IBAN: FO4791810004508388